Thanks to everyone who has offered to volunteer! Applications for this year are now closed.


However, if you want to be put on a reserve list to help with events over the festival weekend — Friday June 7 to Sunday 9 June — please contact Sam at We might need some extra hands on deck last minute.⁠

Don’t forget you are welcome to attend any of the free events we host throughout the festival period.⁠

Our volunteers are an essential part of Nuart Festival and contribute to all areas of the production. Artist assistants, drivers, events assistants and production crew are needed. You do not have to have any training or previous experience.


We create dynamic schedules for our volunteers so you can try your hand at more than one role and get a well-rounded experience at the festival. This form is just for us to understand your interests, and it is in no way final. We are flexible!


Summary of the volunteer roles we need help on


Event Staff: Our launch weekend features a wide variety of public and private events such as receptions, film screenings, walking tours, a street art conference and workshops and we need volunteers to help all of these run smoothly. We need friendly people for this who are happy to deal with the public and the bonus is you get to enjoy the event too!


Artist assistants: Our artists tend to create large works of art and will need a helping hand. This could include anything from working directly with the artist to paint their mural, helping set up their supplies and get them tools, and even assisting on our lunch runs. This is a multi-faceted role, where having a creative bone in your body is helpful.


Drivers: Artists and crew may need to be driven and collected from sites around town, including to the airport and back. Do you have your driver’s license and access to your own vehicle? This role is for you. Drivers are very important to us, as we are guests in your city and need a hand.


Production Crew: Assisting artists and producers with the production of artwork on the street. This includes a huge amount of variety, and you will get a hands-on understanding of what it takes to work in production.


Runners: There are a million little tasks that go into a production like Nuart. Runners are our chaos pilots that work in every part of the production and are happy to pitch in and get things done as needed!


Marketing and Admin Support: With lots to do in the lead up to the festival this role could include office based work getting things sorted and tasks such as flyering in the days leading up to the launch weekend to make sure the people of Aberdeen know Nuart Aberdeen is happening!


What’s in it for you?


– Free entry on selected events
– Festival t-shirt
– Food and drinks the day you’re working
– Valuable experience
– The chance to make some wonderful new pals!
– Work/volunteer references can be supplied on request


Please note: volunteers in the roles mentioned above must be 18 or over. If you are below the age of 18 but wish to be involved in the festival in some way – let us know and if something suitable comes up we will be in touch.

2021 — Design by Studio Bergini — Code by Tortuga Labs