40 years of Volunteers' Week

Volunteers’ Week celebrates the contributions volunteers make to communities across the UK. The celebration began in 1984 and starts on the first Monday in June every year. 2024 marks 40 years of celebrating volunteers contribution to life in the UK.


We wouldn’t be able to organise Nuart without the help of our enthusiastic volunteers, and we always love seeing new connections and friendships made every year.


Andrew Rodgers is a steady fixture at our festival. He is as enthusiastic as they come, signing up to volunteer year after year. Andrew recently wrote a text about our festival; we thought it was too great to keep to ourselves.


“I was there when that wall was bare, its boring grey or even white
bring Aberdeen no justice,
then suddenly came all the artist from far away lands like the USA or France and Finland, etc too, all ready to muck in and venture new
got a cherry picker or two vans of paint, chalk brushes galore and hard work will entail it all
lets see now where do I start ah says one ill sketch it first and take 1 step at a time
here’s a good place just high enough to be spotted, ferries on corner and bus station nr too
all eyes focused on me right now, better rethink on that colour or two, umm yep that will do, better hurry windy up yonder, a week later its done
then there’s that tower block one or two the car park roars with a leopard standing still
smiley face and mountain above, looks impressive so far from below
at the airport everyone stares, wow fab glory be, its great to see,
unusual, place where planes go roaring by,
near the museum its taking shape, not sure what it is as yet we’ll see,
given lots of maps out today stickers galore
many a tourist today sorry don’t speak ya lingo but hey here take a peek – you see art here there everywhere, look out for mr hedgehog hiding yet he is there, honest
in the college floors covered in chalk kids will soon come do more yes they will soon
I remember last year the clippings that never lasted or the china still there today
oh yeh it’s greens nr george st by the way, I love the one nr arts centre its perfect
right away id say, I wonder how many tins of paint it took
and all that food munched away to a full belly and of course water and more water so cool for thirsty mouths
the purple, white and green t shirts that are so cool, to wear even when event is over
my face a tomato – didn’t protect it from sun, but who cares i’ve had fun
met the artist here and there and staff a pleasure to work with,
the comments from everyone in street so much to take in,
news on tv clips in papers, them press up and down the town cameras out zoom in great for aberdeen,
swell job everyone
lets not forget the tours yet to happen and talks in the lemon tree,
the art gallery events, moms bringing kids and more kids,
well its over, all streets cleaned and ready almost to sparkle, litter gone and office vacant,
time to relax and drink that beer nice and cold got to put my feet up im told,
the volunteers like me gone home or had that tea, ill be there I hope next year can’t wait yep can’t wait…”


Portrait of Andrew Ross by Conor Gault.

Carousel images by Clarke Joss.

2021 — Design by Studio Bergini — Code by Tortuga Labs