Tim Marschang (BE)

Tim Marschang, born and bred in Antwerp Belgium was bitten by the urban art virus 10 years ago. Taking a picture of street art and sharing it in socials changed his life and opened up a new world. Resulting in being involved with graffiti and street art in more than one way. From organizing tours in his city to facilitating on 30+ murals so far and building one of the biggest street art communities in the world. His passion for street art drives Street Art Cities and their teamwork has been putting the spotlight on urban art for years now. He loves to travel and witness artists creating, taking pictures in the background, throwing his drone in the for cool ‘work in progress’ shots, sharing them afterwards with artists. Always on the look out for new or unknown talents pushing them on socials to the growing Street Art Cities audience and writing articles about street art he finds on his travels and occasionally interviewing the talents he meets. Always promoting and pushing street art you tend to forget he combines this with a family (2 teenager kids) and a full-time job on a chemical plant. This 6’6″ street art hunter still loves basketball and always wears sneakers, not only to walk miles when exploring but also to shoot some hoops when he comes across a cool hypecourt.



2021 — Design by Studio Bergini — Code by Tortuga Labs